The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Interessante und neue Themen aus "Wissenschaft und Medien"

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 11. November 2022, 15:20

Additional references.

Adlerz, G., 1886, “Myrmecologiska studier. II. Svenska myror och deras lefnadsförhållanden.” Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, vol. 11, no. 18, p. 1-329.

Arnold, G., 1926, “A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Appendix.” Annals of the South African Museum, vol. 23, p. 191-295.

Crawley, W. C., 1912, “Anergates atratulus, Schenk, a british ant, and the acceptance of a queen by Tetramorium caespitum, L.“ The Entomologist´s Record and Journal of Variation, London, vol. 24, nr. 9, p. 218-219.

Crawley, W. C., Donisthorpe, H., 1913, “The Founding of Colonies by Queen Ants.” (Anergates atratulus, p. 68-73.) P. 11-77, in: Jordan, K., Eltringham, H. (editors.), 1913, “2nd International Congress of Entomology, Oxford August 1912. Volume 2. Transactions.“ Oxford. London and Aylesbury, Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., 489 pp. (+ 34 plates!).

Emery, C., 1909, “Über den Ursprung der dulotischen, parasitischen und myrmekophilen Ameisen.” Biologisches Centralblatt, vol. 29, p. 352-362.

Emery, C., 1913, “Über die Abstammung der europäischen arbeiterinnenlosen Ameise “Anergates“.“ Biologisches Centralblatt, vol. 33, p. 258-260.

Forel, A., 1893, “Sur la classification de la famille des Formicides, avec remarques synonymiques.” Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, vol. 37, p. 161-167.

Gösswald, K., 1938, “Grundsätzliches über parasitische Ameisen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der abhängigen Koloniegründung von Lasius umbratus mixtus Nyl.” Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, vol. 151, p. 101-148.

Gösswald, K., 1938, “Über den Sozialparasitismus der Ameisen.” VII. Internationaler Entomo¬ logenkongress, p. 1149—1155.

Gösswald, K., 1951, “Zur Biologie, Ökologie und Morphologie einer neuen Varietät der Kleinen Roten Waldameise: Formica minor pratensoides.“ Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, vol. 32, p. 433-457.

Gösswald, K., 1951, “Versuche zum Sozialparasitismus der Ameisen bei der Gattung Formica L.“ Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere, vol. 80, p. 533-582.

Janet, C., 1897, “Études sur les fourmis, les guêpes et les abeilles. Note 16. Limites morphologiques des anneaux post-céphaliques et musculature des anneaux post-thoraciques chez la Myrmica rubra.” Lille, Le Bigot Frères, 36 pp.

Latreille, P. A., 1804, “Tableau méthodique des insectes.” Pp. 129-200 in: Société de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs, “Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle. Tome 24.” Paris, Déterville, 84 + 85 + 238 + 18 + 34 pp.

Latreille, P. A., 1810, “Considérations générales sur l'ordre natural des animaux composant les classes des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes; avec un tableau méthodique de leurs genres, disposés en familles.” Paris, F. Schoell, 444 pp.

Linsenmaier, W., 1972, “Knaurs Grosses Insektenbuch.” München, Th. Knaur Nachf., 396 Seiten, 1888 Insektendarstellungen (together with an English edition: Linsenmaier, W., 1972, “Insects of the World.” New York, Mc Graw-Hill. I have the French edition: Linsenmaier, W., 1973. “Insectes du Monde.” Collection Eugène Clarence Braun-Munk. Suisse, Stock, 380 pp.).

Santschi, F., 1928, “Descriptions de nouvelles fourmis éthiopiennes (suite).” Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, vol. 16, p. 191-213.

Schär, S., Talavera, G., Espadaler, X., Rana, J. D., Andersen, A. A., Cover, S. P., Vila, R., 2018, “Do Holarctic ant species exist? Trans-Beringian dispersal and homoplasy in the Formicidae.” Journal of Biogeography, vol. 45, no. 8, p. 1917-1928. (+ 6 supplemental files.).

Smith, D. R., 1979, “Superfamily Formicoidea.” Pp. 1323-1467 in: Krombein, K. V., Hurd, P. D., Smith, D. R., Burks, B. D. (editors.), 1979, “Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata).” Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. i-xvi, 1199-2209.

von Hagens, J., 1867, “Ueber Ameisen mit gemischten Colonien.” Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, vol. 11, nr. 1-2, p. 101-108.

Wasmann, E., 1891, “Die zusammengesetzten Nester und gemischten Kolonien der Ameisen. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie, Psychologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ameisengesellschaften.“ Münster in Westfalen, Aschendorffschen Buchdruckerei, vii + 262 pp. (+ 2 plates!).

Wheeler, G. C., Wheeler, J., 1955, “The ant larvae of the myrmicine tribe Solenopsidini.” American Midland Naturalist, vol. 54, p. 119-141.

Wheeler, W. M., 1908, “Comparative ethology of the European and North American ants.” Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie, vol. 13, p. 404-435, pl. III-IV.

Wheeler, W. M., 1909, “Observations on some European ants.” Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 17, p. 172-187.

Wheeler, W. M., 1910, “Ants: Their Structure, Development and Behavior.” New York, Columbia University Press, xxv + 663 pp.

Wheeler, W. M., 1937, “Mosaics and other anomalies among ants.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 95 pp.

Yarrow, I. H. H., 1955, “The type species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille.” Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, vol. 24, p. 113-115.

26 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 11. November 2022, 23:36

Now, my file is almost complete... Where shall I put it...
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 21. November 2022, 15:14

A new article with a few times Teleutomyrmex in it (e.g. 3 times as an endemic!):

Lapeva-Gjonova, A., Antonova, V., 2022, “An updated checklist of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Bulgaria, after 130 years of research.” Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e95599, p. 1-33.
- 33 pp., 0 figs. - [2022-11-09].

Article and pdf:

Reference 107.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 2. Dezember 2022, 09:52

A new list of extreme, workerless inquilines, adapted to the current systematics:

The extreme, workerless inquilines 85.pdf
(216.32 KiB) 2658-mal heruntergeladen
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 2. Dezember 2022, 09:54

A new literature list, updated to 107 references for Teleutomyrmex, and with a few corrections:

Official literature lists 88.pdf
(326.65 KiB) 2659-mal heruntergeladen
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 15. Dezember 2022, 23:23

A new study about a fact named after Kutter and Wilson, The “Kutter-Wilson Paradox.”.

Global biogeography of ant social parasites: Exploring patterns and mechanisms of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient.
Kyle W. Gray, Christian Rabeling.

Text, pdf and 4 supplements: ... /jbi.14528
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Dienstag 20. Dezember 2022, 16:49

Teleutotje hat geschrieben:A new study about a fact named after Kutter and Wilson, The “Kutter-Wilson Paradox.”.

Global biogeography of ant social parasites: Exploring patterns and mechanisms of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient.
Kyle W. Gray, Christian Rabeling.

Text, pdf and 4 supplements: ... /jbi.14528

"The “Kutter-Wilson Paradox” (Kutter, 1968 (“1969”) and Wilson, 1971.) was recently reviewed by Gray, Rabeling, 2023 (“2022”), on all 371 taxonomically described socially parasitic ant species (Dulosis (79 species or 21% of social parasites.), inquilinism (88 species or 24% of social parasites.), and temporary social parasitism (204 species or 55% of social parasites.).). It was surprizing to note that the results came from the dulotic species but not from the inquiline and the temporary social parasitic species (These are normal distributed around the equator.). The dulotic species are centred on the temperate and polar regions of the Northern hemisphere. "
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 30. Dezember 2022, 12:47

There are a few things in the making/finished state but they have to wait till I get answer of Bernhard Seifert. They have already answers but not good....

From "Systematic Entomology":

"Dear Dr. Stappen,
Thanks for your pre-submission inquiry. Unfortunately, Systematic Entomology does not publish purly taxonomic papers anymore (please see part of the scope below in blue). We hope you will be able to find a suitable journal for your manuscript.
Best wishes, Christiane Weirauch

Systematic Entomology publishes original papers on insect systematics, phylogenetics and integrative taxonomy, with a preference for general interest papers of broad biological, evolutionary or zoogeographical relevance.

Christiane Weirauch
Professor of Entomology
Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside"

From "Insectes Sociaux":

"Dear Mr. Van der Stappen,

I am sorry to say that we do not publish articles such as yours. I suggest you look for a specialist taxonomic ant journal.

I am also sorry it took me 10 days to get back to you but your manuscript only made it to my desk today, so it must have been stuck int he 'system' for about 10 days.

Yours sincerely

Madeleine Beekman
Insectes Sociaux"


"Dear Dr. Marc Van der Stappen,

Further to the email you received from the Editor of Insectes Sociaux , we have analyzed your manuscript and with regret, I could not identify any more suitable journals in our portfolio that matched your manuscript. Please be assured that this is not a comment on the quality of your manuscript.

I wish you every success with finding a suitable journal for your work.

Best regards,
Tejaswini Sor, M.Sc.
Editorial Submission Advisor, Springer Nature"
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 30. Dezember 2022, 12:56

And of course one that got both manuscripts but no answer:

A general review:

"Dear Sir,

Do you know where I can publish this?

Thank you very much.


And a part that includes only a name-change, also sended to the two previous journals:

"Dear Sir,

Else can you tell me where I can publish this, the most important part of the booklett?

Thanks and


They were sended to:

Revue Suisse de Zoologie...
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 30. Dezember 2022, 13:01

A little bit longer:

Additional references.

Adlerz, G., 1886, “Myrmecologiska studier. II. Svenska myror och deras lefnadsförhållanden.” Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, vol. 11, no. 18, p. 1-329.

Arnold, G., 1926, “A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Appendix.” Annals of the South African Museum, vol. 23, p. 191-295.

Buschinger, A., 1999, “Bemerkenswerte ameisenfunde aus Sudtirol (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).“ Myrmecologische Nachrichten, vol. 3, p. 1-8.

Buschinger, A., Schlick-Steiner, B. C., Steiner, F. M., Sanetra, M., 2003, “Anergates atratulus, eine ungewöhnlich seltene Parasiten-Ameise.“ Ameisenschutz Aktuell, vol. 17, p. 1-6.

Crawley, W. C., 1912, “Anergates atratulus, Schenk, a british ant, and the acceptance of a queen by Tetramorium caespitum, L.“ The Entomologist´s Record and Journal of Variation, London, vol. 24, nr. 9, p. 218-219.

Crawley, W. C., Donisthorpe, H., 1913, “The Founding of Colonies by Queen Ants.” (Anergates atratulus, p. 68-73.) P. 11-77, in: Jordan, K., Eltringham, H. (editors.), 1913, “2nd International Congress of Entomology, Oxford August 1912. Volume 2. Transactions.“ Oxford. London and Aylesbury, Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., 489 pp. (+ 34 plates!).

Dlussky, G. M., 1981, “Muravi pustyn.”, or “[Desert Ants.]” [In Russian.]. Moskva, Nauka, 230 pp.

Emery, C., 1909, “Über den Ursprung der dulotischen, parasitischen und myrmekophilen Ameisen.” Biologisches Centralblatt, vol. 29, p. 352-362.

Emery, C., 1913, “Über die Abstammung der europäischen arbeiterinnenlosen Ameise “Anergates“.“ Biologisches Centralblatt, vol. 33, p. 258-260.

Forel, A., 1893, “Sur la classification de la famille des Formicides, avec remarques synonymiques.” Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, vol. 37, p. 161-167.

Gösswald, K., 1938, “Grundsätzliches über parasitische Ameisen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der abhängigen Koloniegründung von Lasius umbratus mixtus Nyl.” Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, vol. 151, p. 101-148.

Gösswald, K., 1938, “Über den Sozialparasitismus der Ameisen.” VII. Internationaler Entomo¬ logenkongress, p. 1149—1155.

Gösswald, K., 1951, “Zur Biologie, Ökologie und Morphologie einer neuen Varietät der Kleinen Roten Waldameise: Formica minor pratensoides.“ Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, vol. 32, p. 433-457.

Gösswald, K., 1951, “Versuche zum Sozialparasitismus der Ameisen bei der Gattung Formica L.“ Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere, vol. 80, p. 533-582.

Gray, K. W., Rabeling, C., 2023 (“2022”), “Global biogeography of ant social parasites: Exploring patterns and mechanisms of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient.” Journal of Biogeography, vol. ??, no. ??, p. 1-14. (+ 4 supporting files.). (Article first published online: 08 December 2022).

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (I.C.Z.N.) [Ride, W. D. L., Cogger, H. G., Dupuis, C., Kraus, O., Minelli, A., Thompson, F. C., Tubbs, P. K. (editors.)], 1999, “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature [= Code International de Nomenclature Zoologique]. Fourth Edition, adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences.” London, The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, c/o The Natural History Museum, 1999. Padova, Tipografia La Garangola, xxix + 306 pp.

Janet, C., 1897, “Études sur les fourmis, les guêpes et les abeilles. Note 16. Limites morphologiques des anneaux post-céphaliques et musculature des anneaux post-thoraciques chez la Myrmica rubra.” Lille, Le Bigot Frères, 36 pp.

Latreille, P. A., 1804, “Tableau méthodique des insectes.” Pp. 129-200 in: Société de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs, “Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle. Tome 24.” Paris, Déterville, 84 + 85 + 238 + 18 + 34 pp.

Latreille, P. A., 1810, “Considérations générales sur l'ordre natural des animaux composant les classes des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes; avec un tableau méthodique de leurs genres, disposés en familles.” Paris, F. Schoell, 444 pp.

Linsenmaier, W., 1972, “Knaurs Grosses Insektenbuch.” München, Th. Knaur Nachf., 396 Seiten, 1888 Insektendarstellungen (together with an English edition: Linsenmaier, W., 1972, “Insects of the World.” New York, Mc Graw-Hill. I have the French edition: Linsenmaier, W., 1973. “Insectes du Monde.” Collection Eugène Clarence Braun-Munk. Suisse, Stock, 380 pp.).

Lopez, F., 1988, “Aproximación al estudio del género Tetramorium Mayr, 1855 en la Peninsula Ibérica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Mem. Licenciatura. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 295 pp.

Lopez-Osorio, F., 2020, “Emery’s Rule.” P. 365-368 in: Starr, C. K. (editor.), 2021, “Encyclopedia of Social Insects.” Springer International Publishing, Cham., xxvi + 1049 pp.

Santschi, F., 1928, “Descriptions de nouvelles fourmis éthiopiennes (suite).” Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, vol. 16, p. 191-213.

Schär, S., Talavera, G., Espadaler, X., Rana, J. D., Andersen, A. A., Cover, S. P., Vila, R., 2018, “Do Holarctic ant species exist? Trans-Beringian dispersal and homoplasy in the Formicidae.” Journal of Biogeography, vol. 45, no. 8, p. 1917-1928. (+ 6 supporting files.).

Smith, D. R., 1979, “Superfamily Formicoidea.” Pp. 1323-1467 in: Krombein, K. V., Hurd, P. D., Smith, D. R., Burks, B. D. (editors.), 1979, “Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata).” Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. i-xvi, 1199-2209.

von Hagens, J., 1867, “Ueber Ameisen mit gemischten Colonien.” Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, vol. 11, nr. 1-2, p. 101-108.

Wagner, H. C., Karaman, C., Aksoy, V., Kiran, K., 2018, “A mixed colony of Tetramorium immigrans Santschi, 1927 and the putative social parasite Tetramorium aspina sp.n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News, vol. 28, p. 25-33.

Wasmann, E., 1891, “Die zusammengesetzten Nester und gemischten Kolonien der Ameisen. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie, Psychologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ameisengesellschaften.“ Münster in Westfalen, Aschendorffschen Buchdruckerei, vii + 262 pp. (+ 2 plates!).

Wheeler, W. M., 1908, “Comparative ethology of the European and North American ants.” Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie, vol. 13, p. 404-435, pl. III-IV.

Wheeler, W. M., 1910, “Ants: Their Structure, Development and Behavior.” Columbia Biological Series, no. 9. New York, Columbia University Press, xxv + 663 pp.

Wheeler, W. M., 1937, “Mosaics and other anomalies among ants.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 95 pp.

Yarrow, I. H. H., 1955, “The type species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille.” Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, vol. 24, p. 113-115.

32 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 2. Januar 2023, 22:21

Seifert's answer:

"Dear Marc,

I recommend not publish this replacement name. Why ? I predict that a majority of myrmecologists (in the long run) will prefer to use the name Teleutomyrmex kutteri and, speaking for me, I will never accept a "Tetramorium kutteri" throughout my remaining live.
The reason are explained in the attached paper.

With best wishes

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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 2. Januar 2023, 22:26

Prof. Buschinger's reaction:

"Dear Marc,

First of all I wish you a „Happy New Year“, good health and success!

The reply of Seifert isn’t much of a surprise, and I hope very much that he is right with the assumption that myrmecologists in the long term will return to Teleutomyrmex schneideri.

I have been coauthor of Seifert et al. 2016: Banning paraphylies and executing Linnaean taxonomy is discordant and reduces the evolutionary and semantic information content of biological nomenclature. Ins. Soc. 63, no. 2, p. 237-242.

It’s quite unfortunate that the Int. Commission of Zool. Nomenclature apparently refuses to engage in this problem. Some American colleagues are simply too much dominant…

Warm regards,

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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 5. Januar 2023, 22:30

Now, there were two different articles in the making.....

Here we will talk about the short article. Nowhere I can get it published. It is not strictly needed but it is a plaster on the temporal wound, a name for a while.....
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Freitag 6. Januar 2023, 22:08

Here it is, enjoy it!

A new name.pdf
(162.65 KiB) 2573-mal heruntergeladen
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 14:22

See if this works, a link to the big article: It doesn't work..... :mad:
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 22:52

I can put it online here but in parts...???
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 22:58

Parts 01-10
  • 1

The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 01 01-09.pdf
(335.02 KiB) 2554-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 02 10-10.pdf
(319.09 KiB) 2515-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 03 11-11.pdf
(202.89 KiB) 2537-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 04 12-12.pdf
(300.57 KiB) 2520-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 05 13-14.pdf
(409.22 KiB) 2499-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 06 15-15.pdf
(206.27 KiB) 2551-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 07 16-19.pdf
(436.48 KiB) 2519-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 08 20-24.pdf
(231.19 KiB) 2512-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 09 25-25.pdf
(211 KiB) 2594-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 10 26-26.pdf
(172.7 KiB) 2536-mal heruntergeladen
" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 23:04

Parts 11-20
  • 1

The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 11 27-27.pdf
(215.14 KiB) 2531-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 12 28-28.pdf
(119.33 KiB) 2538-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 13 29-29.pdf
(113.37 KiB) 2575-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 14 30-33.pdf
(347.9 KiB) 2487-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 15 34-39.pdf
(383.89 KiB) 2487-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 16 40-41.pdf
(452.78 KiB) 2534-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 17 42-43.pdf
(247.53 KiB) 2591-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 18 44-52.pdf
(354.8 KiB) 2534-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 19 53-55.pdf
(441.14 KiB) 2543-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 20 56-56.pdf
(291.91 KiB) 2538-mal heruntergeladen
" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 23:07

Parts 21-26
  • 2

The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 21 57-58.pdf
(492.82 KiB) 2559-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 22 59-68.pdf
(264.27 KiB) 2561-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 23 69-70.pdf
(209.12 KiB) 2613-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 24 71-73.pdf
(412.19 KiB) 2564-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 25 74-74.pdf
(780.53 KiB) 2531-mal heruntergeladen
The Extreme, Workerless Inquilines of Europe Part 26 75-86.pdf
(260.69 KiB) 2529-mal heruntergeladen
" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 7. Januar 2023, 23:10

This is my historic review and literature lists of Teleutomyrmex and Anergates and a few other species.....
  • 1

" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197


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