Evolution der Massenrekrutierung bei Heeresameisen

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Evolution der Massenrekrutierung bei Heeresameisen

Beitragvon Merkur » Mittwoch 26. Mai 2021, 10:55

Group raiding.jpg
Gruppenrekrutierung bei Ooceraea biroi;
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Colony expansions underlie the evolution of army ant mass raiding. Vikram Chandra, Asaf Gal, Daniel J. C. Kronauer, 2021.
Collective behavior emerges from local interactions between group members, and natural selection can fine-tune these interactions to achieve different collective outcomes. However, at least in principle, collective behavior can also evolve via changes in group-level parameters. Here, we show that army ant mass raiding, an iconic collective behavior in which many thousands of ants spontaneously leave the nest to go hunting, has evolved from group raiding, in which a scout directs a much smaller group of ants to a specific target. We describe the structure of group raids in the clonal raider ant, a close relative of army ants. We find that the coarse structure of group raids and mass raids is highly conserved, and that army ants and their relatives likely follow similar behavioral rules, despite the fact that their raids differ strikingly in overall appearance. By experimentally increasing colony size in the clonal raider ant, we show that mass raiding gradually emerges from group raiding without altering individual behavioral rules. This suggests a simple mechanism for the evolution of army ant mass raids, and more generally that scaling effects may provide an alternative mechanism for evolutionary transitions in complex collective behavior.
Das „mass raiding“ der Heeresameisen, bei dem Tausende von Arbeiterinnen gleichzeitig das Nest verlassen und zur Jagd ausschwärmen, hat sich aus dem „group raiding“ entwickelt, bei dem eine Kundschafterin eine kleine Gruppe zu einem bestimmten Ziel führt. In der Veröffentlichung lassen sich weitere interessante Videos starten!
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